Noir:rioN / Mirror Complex (Room 1 Demo) by Solomon Crow

Officially my first time ever working with this software. It's only one room and it's really short, but it took me about three hours to get all the bugs out. Uploading it to get some feedback on any possible bugs I missed.
Review by LinaLyssic
06 Mar 2011
I really liked this, even though it was really short. I found only one little bug: When you take the lightbulb first, the glass shards are automatically in your inventory. But then I did something else and they were back on the floor.

I'll give you 4 stars for now, because it's just a demo. I don't blame you for the little bug, I don't consider programming easy. I'm looking forward to the full game (:

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Written by
Solomon Crow


Written for Quest 4.1
Added 22 Dec 2010