What will you do? by sammysss

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
What will you do?

I am Sammy Kwok.

This is my assignment (writing for new media). It is a game, you can choose what will you do next. In fact, you are provided few option. You get a lot of choice in real life but not in the game. Try to make a good decision. Of course, there are no 'right' decision, just make your own decision.

In fact, this story provided my friend, his real story, his real ' game'. In the game, if you do the wrong decision, you can press 'F5'. In real life, you can't take two. Hope you enjoy it. :)
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 02 Dec 2015