Battle of a Tiny by poppin' pens

A huge WIP. Working on all of it.

This is the first story that I have published, as well as the first I have coded! It has a lot of issues, and I would love to hear some feedback or take some suggestions! Please give it a review and enjoy!

Change log
1.1.0- 10/20/19
-Added New interactions with mia when spoted.
-Added descriptions of "Threaten".
-Added way to get food.
-Added counter tops.
-Added more endings.
-Finished up a few lines.
-tweaked Mia and her sight.

-Be sure to rate and give feedback!

1.0.0 - date unknown...
Review by ThelmaDragon24
23 Oct 2019
I love the game so far, hope you add more later, I'd play it again