Haunting Ground - Demo by Kerp

Emily Connor wakes up in the Connor Castle. This castle was built by her grandfather, which she didn't even know was alive or even existed. She remembers vaguely being involved in a car accident caused by a truck, and a she has the brief memory of seeing a man using an old mask. Inside the castle, Emily has to survive without fighting, because she doesn't have the strength to do it, so her only option is to run. Control Emily's destiny, go through your stalkers without getting caught, or death may not be sweet with you. With multiple endings, you need to be prepared to take choices and be responsible for what you do.
At the moment, this has 3 different endings, 2 of them being bad. I'm creating this game alone, so it might take sometime for me to get used to using this tool, be patient while I learn how to use it, so the game can be more complex. Have fun.