The Prince on a Tightrope by thekrogg

You are Norodom Sihanouk: God-king of Cambodia. You have just secured your countries' independence from the French, ending 90 years of protectorate status and putting the fate of Cambodia firmly back into your hands. But while your people celebrate, you know that the next few years will be dangerous for your country. By declaring independence, Cambodia has made itself available to the Cold War superpowers who will not hesitate to use it like a pawn to advance their own interests. Since siding with either faction could lead to you and your people's demise, your best course is to remain neutral. But can you balance the interests of the two most powerful countries in the world, while still developing into a stable and prosperous nation? It's time to find out.
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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 16 Sep 2013

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