The bigger guardian by fnast
This is an overlord weight gain text adventure game
This is an early version of this game some aspects should work there are currently 2 endings one of them is a bit lackluster so i would consider it just 1 ending. Right now you can feed the vampire feed the elf and yourself with various interactions implemented and some you can see but can't use yet
You can write out look at self to look at yourself some of the sizes has descriptions
lore: Weird food starts appearing throughout nazarick i am practically a writer at this point
First/small update (02-08-22)
There is now a new ending (and lore if you would call it that) when you are at a certain size in a certain room. the food should work as intended now and more text and stuffs in some places
Small update (04-10-22)
more stuff to do less bugs can't remember all the stuff done haven't worked much on it and it has been awhile since i last done something on it will probably finish it at some point but not very soon since its a difficult program
sorry if there is bad writing im not good at that you can probably expect bad programming aswell since this is my first text adventure hope you like what i have until now
This is an early version of this game some aspects should work there are currently 2 endings one of them is a bit lackluster so i would consider it just 1 ending. Right now you can feed the vampire feed the elf and yourself with various interactions implemented and some you can see but can't use yet
You can write out look at self to look at yourself some of the sizes has descriptions
lore: Weird food starts appearing throughout nazarick i am practically a writer at this point
First/small update (02-08-22)
There is now a new ending (and lore if you would call it that) when you are at a certain size in a certain room. the food should work as intended now and more text and stuffs in some places
Small update (04-10-22)
more stuff to do less bugs can't remember all the stuff done haven't worked much on it and it has been awhile since i last done something on it will probably finish it at some point but not very soon since its a difficult program
sorry if there is bad writing im not good at that you can probably expect bad programming aswell since this is my first text adventure hope you like what i have until now
None yet!
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