Snack by TeriPie
The true story behind your favorite arcade game, Snake! In "Snack," you're trapped in a dark, strange place, armed with only the three rules you've learned for surviving on the streets:
1. Stay warm.
2. Eat slowly.
3. Keep your head low to the ground.
This game was made as part of the "Understanding Video Games" course at the University of Alberta. Snack was built by a group of six students who share quite a few inside jokes. It's hilarious to us, and we hope that you'll find it enjoyable as well.
1. Stay warm.
2. Eat slowly.
3. Keep your head low to the ground.
This game was made as part of the "Understanding Video Games" course at the University of Alberta. Snack was built by a group of six students who share quite a few inside jokes. It's hilarious to us, and we hope that you'll find it enjoyable as well.
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