The Pillow Story by zzGODSKNIFEzz

Death after death, will you ever learn.
Review by SummerWolf
12 Jan 2015
Ration of time spend and fun got is not bad.
Short and to the point.
Same as copyc, will wait for v2.0

Review by Marzipan
10 Jan 2015
I tried to get out of bed and was strangled by my sheets. My entire adventure was about three sentences long. Looking into further, the first choice had about a 75% chance of dying, while the next had similar odds. Most players have better things to do with their time than memorize a random series of clicks. Death after death and very little logic does not make for an entertaining game play experience, will authors never learn...

Review by copyc
10 Jan 2015
This game is hilarious, with multiple paths to take and endings to play through. This is this authors first- outstanding interactive novel and i hope to see more in the future.