One Robot by Michael

You are a robot designed to serve humans, but you turn on them with your two friends and prepare to assassinate the president.
Review by Steve Lingle
07 Jul 2006
Some of this may be echoing the previous review but...

This was a fairly fun game despite a few grammatical errors. The main problems with this game are a lack of descriptions. There are parts where the descriptions are there and are helpful. There are other sections (the majority of the game) where there are no descriptions. I am speaking of descriptions of the rooms that you may be standing in and most importantly, descriptions of actions that are happening when you use an object on another object. For instance, from the beginning of the game, you are able to use weapons on things. If you use the weapon on the appropriate item, your weapon and the object that you attacked simply disappear with no description of what happened.
This happens throughout the game.
The puzzles were not too hard. Some were too easy. The district area was overwhelming at first because every available exit had been used (n, ne, nw, etc

Review by David Whyld
01 Jul 2006

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Written for Quest 3.5
Published 01 Jul 2006

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