Labyrinth by Finn C. M. Beauchamp

At the center of the maze, a great treasure awaits. But until then...can you survive? Walk the great stone walls, and see if you can get to the middle...
Review by BeautyvsAshes
14 Jun 2014
I found the text font a bit of a challenge but more than that, I found it was mainly guess-work. It would have been good if the way you were meant to take was a puzzle you had to solve or something. But I did end up with the treasure.

Review by Dreadpool
19 May 2013
I got this from my first try, believe it or not. So, no, I don't think it's based on guessing - just the kind of twisted RPG logic. It was fun while it lasted though. Too bad it's so short.

Review by Zeke1
01 Apr 2013
I am sorry to say that I didn't really enjoy this game. It didn't have much meat on it, if you know what I'm saying. Also, I was faced with the choice of either going left or going right, and I chose left. It killed me. I do not think it is a good idea to have something that is total guesswork make the game unwinnable. It got to the point where I seriously had to save before I made any choice so that I could play the game again when I died. (And believe me, I died a LOT).

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Written by
Finn C. M. Beauchamp


Written for Quest 5.3
Published 22 Dec 2012
Updated 26 Dec 2012

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