Finding a way to get the chairs by abraxDaCabrax

(This is my first game in Quest. Although it's just a short gamebook adventure, it's been very fun working on it!)
So you're some random guy working at a furniture production factory. You have taken the task from your boss to get a chair from the warehouse. Good luck!
Review by Zeke1
12 Jul 2013
Not bad for a first game, although you lost a star for the numerous spelling errors, and your obvious aversion to description.

It's not that I think that there wasn't enough description in this game, it's more that you, in the game itself, say things like "blahblahblah and so on and so forth." when providing a description that was actually not long-winded, lasting only a paragraph. And a short paragraph at that.

Description is how the players of your game know what you are talking about. With no description, how do I know whether I am in a jelly doughnut, in outer space, or falling to my doom?

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 05 Jul 2013
Updated 06 Jul 2013

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