Escape the House by Anastasia082

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing descriptions

Every object in a game should have a meaningful description. When a game doesn't have object descriptions, it is a sign that the game has been rushed, and it will not be interesting to play.
you have woken up to see that your house is trashed. you call for your parents but there is no reply. the silence is somewhat disquieting. you go to your room and pick up your baseball bat. confused and scared, you tiptoe around, with your baseball bat behind you. you lift up the blinds to see that all of the windows are barred. you pace to the front door, and shakily try to turn the handle. you aggressively try to open the door, bumping it and shaking the handle. you walk to the kitchen and lean against the bench with your head in your hands, trying to figure out the situation. you see a note on the bench "you must find a key somewhere in this house in order for you to escape". confused and scared, you begin your mission.
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 21 Mar 2016