The Demon's Bet by themaybird

Long ago, you made a deal with a demon. You never thought you'd have to keep up your end...until tonight.
Review by syxxity
20 May 2019
This was amazing! It was decently hard, fun, etc. Epic!

Review by TheBoldWriter
08 Dec 2017
A Jolly good game, if I say so myself. Very well narrated and has a good, dark and scary feel to it. But, there's always a but, it's short. Sure it's good, but that set aside there aren't many choices. And it was particularly easy. Just spent like 15 minutes and the game was done. MAKE IT HARDER. MAKE IT LONGER. MAKE IT SCARIER. Try adding a scenario, where you're in the Demon's Castle and it's like a maze. Also a bit of audio, like the baby's cries or something like that would make it even better.

Overall, a fantastic game! Enjoyed playing it, would play again!

Review by Rendora
23 Nov 2017
It was short and sweet - and very enjoyable!

Good work!

Review by Dorian Moral
02 Nov 2017
Good game but it needs to be harder.