Escape this Podcast - Episode 5 - The Tower by James Spaid

** This game was designed by Dani Siller and presented by both Dani Siller and Bill Sunderland in their show, "Escape this Podcast". It has been adapted for interactive fiction game form by James Spaid and DavyB and is published with permission. It is a representation of the adventure played by Nick and Pat Sunderland in "Escape this Podcast" Episode 5 - If you do not want that episode spoiled for you, please listen to Nick and Pat solve the game first, and then try it here for yourself! **

Once upon a time, in a magical land, you, a simple farmer, stumbled upon a mysterious tower in the woods. You heard a cry for help from the sole visible entrance - an open window, high atop the tower. You braved the thicket of thorny vines wrapped around the window and managed to safely enter - only to find yourself trapped in a perplexing children's bedroom. It will take all of your skills to discover the secrets of the room, avoid the evil witch, and successfully escape The Tower!

"Trouble in the Kingdom" (Intro and Outro Music)
by Eric Matyas

Various Sound Effects from
Review by Idunia
21 Nov 2019
The ending is really beautiful.

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Written by
James Spaid


Written for Quest 5.8
Published 19 Nov 2018
Updated 16 Dec 2019