Lionstar is Stuck in his Room. by Lionstar the Lion

This is a Game (No shit.), where you control me and try to get me out of my Room.
The game is also my first Game, wich is probably meaning that it's Shit.
I'm not responsable for Bugs and Grammar mistakes.
Because I'm German, there will be a German one too.
Game includes:

-Many refences.


-Silly Nonsense.



There are 3 endings.
Can you find them all?


I have removed the grammar Mistake "wich"
and replaced it with the proper "which".
You're welcome.

I also made the game easier for people, because whilst you could sleep in the first version, you can't "use Bed"
or "look bed/ look at bed".

Also, you could not interact with the computer.
I will expand this "game" a bit more and you can expect some more updates.
We good? Ok.

I really hope you liked my game so far, even though it's confusing.
Please leave a comment with criticism, or how much you liked my game. Ratings would also be apreachiated.
Also, for good measure I will remove an ending I think is too rediculous for my measures.
Review by LewisMC
28 Mar 2015
Nice, I got the fridge and normal ending. It probably wouldn't occur to most players to [SPOILERS START HERE] take the poster [SPOILERS END HERE].

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Written by
Lionstar the Lion


Written for Quest 5.5
Added 16 Jun 2013
Updated 18 Dec 2014