Garlona's Moment with a Hello Kitty Girl by PinkSoftGlowKitty

Are you ready for a silly adventure? This game was written by Garlona (
That's my Google+ page. My username is different because it's better and more secure.

This adventure features Garlona, a young boy born in a magical kingdom and raised by a fairy, whose sister begged him to go to her tea party. Doesn't ring a bell? This adventure gets sillier as you progress through it, and the twists get crazier as they happen.

The main character is Garlona, whose main goal is to make his whole family happy.
This story is fiction, and its theme is based on Roblox interactions.

The views and opinions expressed in this story do not reflect those of Sanrio Inc. These are solely those of Garlona himself.

Just remember that this game can be fun until you make it to the mirror maze. You only have 5 minutes to get through the air vent, and the controls may lag due to a very complex challenge and a large compilation in scripts.

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Also, visit my Google+ page and click the Follow button for the latest news and more. Be sure to +1 this game and show your friends my writing skills.

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Be sure to tag your request using [TextAdventures].
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 03 Jul 2014
Updated 11 Jul 2014