Your Choice by BlueWolf2231

In this story you will be playing as Alex. Your job is the survive and if you want to, to save as many as your friends as possible. You choices will affect this story and who will or will not live. You can die in this story so choose wisely.

Note- This is my first text based game I've made. Feedback will be appreciated wither good or bad. I apologize if my spelling isn't good or if this story doesn't make since. I wanted this game to be played by both men and woman so you will be refereed with them/they pronouns. If you do not like this just put he or she in there place. The italics are your thoughts or they are describing somebody. I did not make the cover page that belongs to someone else. THIS IS PART ONE
07 Feb 2022
Really short, but has a good story so far. It’s descriptive, no spelling or grammar mistakes, and let’s you choose a few different objects you want to bring with you on your journey. If it was continued it would probably be better. I can’t seem to find part 2, if there is one, but if someone finds a part 2 I can play, I will update this review.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Oct 2020