Cereal. I Mean Life. by LemonGrabJuice

You are Lawrence Henderson, a self-employed artist. You sell your paintings at flea markets.

...and that's really it. You mostly do abstract, so... yeah.
06 Sep 2019
This is a very funny game!

Review by jtown951
12 Feb 2017
It's extremely short but I love the art. I'm not gonna lie I did chuckle a bit.

Review by Regisblackgaard
10 Feb 2017
3.4/5 stars, mostly because of the art.
A tidbit too short for a good review. Also, you borrowed some stuff. Also, this induced a chuckle. In my brain.
Good art, though. Keep it up with the art.

Review by snazzy ray
09 Feb 2017
You must really like the square root of stupid.