The Lung Pandemic by TextAdventure101

You must survive in the now harsher than ever world no one you can talk to no one you can see just a pile of blood and your two feet. (Your choices you make will affect the second episode also see what everybody else did)

Springfield Situation
Review by NaniMH69
21 Feb 2015
Well the grammar and punctuation need to be fixed. It needs some more options where there are only one. Overall it needs some improvement, but I liked it. It was fun. Repetitive but fun.

Review by Ronal
09 Jan 2015
The grammar could have been a lot better. A lot of the sentences had little to no punctuation. With only one choice per section most of the time, the reading got a bit repetitive and redundant. There is not much storyline to speak of and I found that by 10 sections in I was bored.
There is so much you could do to improve this. I assume you've put a bit of work into this but I'd say with more it could be a lot better. Maybe get an outside source to proofread your work and maybe add some corrections, give you suggestions and whatnot.
Interesting concept though.