Alone in the woods by Ekename
Kind of short, with 6 endings in total.
by tonyromoistrash8
22 Jan 2017
by Knownbody
11 Nov 2016
Ekename's "Alone in the woods" is a fun twist on the average belief of an afterlife, while taking one's faith to the test when you are pushed to abide (or disobey) mysterious notes that beckon you to follow them. Now, this is where I thought the game took a wrong turn. Upon taking a separate route, you are thrown further more into an abyss of confusion which can only be unraveled by playing all the endings, and even that doesn't settle it. There is also a brief mention of "The Gatekeeper", although (regardless of the chance to encounter her) Ekename expects the player to already know who she is (by using such possessive adjectives like her and she) without the chance that they might not have encountered her (as she holds her own ending, ENDING 2 - DROWNED). But this can be resolved by playing the game (and all it's endings) a second time, which isn't bad as the story isn't anything bland or flavorless of content.
08 Jul 2016
Well done, I enjoyed that! It's length was fine as it didn't outstay its welcome, and the concept of the story was effectively told. The fridge logic bothers me, I wish there was more visual description and depth to each choice. You have the right backbone for a great text adventure, could do with fleshing out in your own time :)
by Ghoslty
26 Apr 2016
by Franceybean
21 Apr 2016
by Lilaboc
10 Apr 2016
I enjoyed it. You're a very good writer, be proud of that. Some criticisms; the pages with only one choice are a good way to space the writing, but you have to write a little shorter to make it effective, and use line breaks where possible (paragraphs). You did this, but I feel like it wasn't enough. Also, make a different background colour and text colour. A forest isn't all black and white, is it?
Overall, really great.
Overall, really great.
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