DarkactionsLibtest by Ip Man

This library was inspired by watching the Interactive Fiction Documentary which is linked to from somewhere in this site. Hearing the blind player say that when he tried to do something in a dark room and the response was "it's too dark to see," he said... "so what?"

With this library, you can use the command "feel" when it's too dark to see and will be able to randomly feel objects in the room.

Place any "darkfeel" script on an object to make something happen when it's discovered in the dark.

A function in the library, "dowhatdarkobject" with parameter "this" placed as the "darkfeel" script attribute on an object will allow the player to do most regular commands after encountering an object.

It will also allow the player to do "kill/attack," "sit," "stand," "recline," from Pixie's CombatLib and PostureLib (if they're installed and set up properly).
If they're not installed in your game, then you'll want to delete those sections from the "dowhatdarkobject" function.

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Written by
Ip Man


Written for Quest 5.8
Added 10 Jul 2023
Updated 10 Jul 2023