Band Camp (Homestuck Marching Band AU) by reden233

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
It's hard switching schools when you're at your senior year. This year you're attending Alternia High School or, AHS for short. But first you have to make it through Band Camp. And with crazy people like this, who knows what will happen!

(a story inspired by the homestuck marching stuck au. Reading the chat logs here: Reading this makes the adventure easier to understand, plus they're really awesome. check them out!)

(a work in progress Homestuck comedy/romance written in she pronouns)

(PG 13 for adult themes and language)
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 23 Apr 2016
Updated 14 Aug 2016