Rude dude by Vextis
Welcome to the junior class at Bloomberg High! Here are your most notable classmates:
Steve: football player, voted "best hair", terrible student, only involved in sports
Brian: guitar player (acoustic), voted "most likley to move to Texas", decent student, involved in Band, Drama, and the United Foundation of Farmers' Children
Melodie: student council treasurer, voted "most likely to be first woman president", excelling student, involved in every club/association available- most notably the GSA
Kevin: ambassador or Bloomberg High on 2 school managed trips to Europe, voted "most likely to spend the most time in a dark room", excelling student, involved in zero clubs or after school activities
Kristina: head cheerleader, voted "most likely to die from alcohol poisoning", terrible student, only involved in cheerleading and partying
Nick: nice guy, voted "nicest guy", decent student, involved with the volunteer association and Tech of all Trades club
Steve: football player, voted "best hair", terrible student, only involved in sports
Brian: guitar player (acoustic), voted "most likley to move to Texas", decent student, involved in Band, Drama, and the United Foundation of Farmers' Children
Melodie: student council treasurer, voted "most likely to be first woman president", excelling student, involved in every club/association available- most notably the GSA
Kevin: ambassador or Bloomberg High on 2 school managed trips to Europe, voted "most likely to spend the most time in a dark room", excelling student, involved in zero clubs or after school activities
Kristina: head cheerleader, voted "most likely to die from alcohol poisoning", terrible student, only involved in cheerleading and partying
Nick: nice guy, voted "nicest guy", decent student, involved with the volunteer association and Tech of all Trades club
None yet!
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