Peluca by ajkru88

Why this exists:
This is a text adventure game I made for a project at school. It's 100% based off of the short film: Peluca (2003), which I found out is Spanish for wig. If you don't know already, Peluca is pretty much the blueprint for the film: Napoleon Dynamite (2004). Both films were directed and I assume written by Jared Hess. I take no credit for the story, only for this remake.

How to play:
I based my game mechanics off of the way some gates work from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. In the book, Wade needed to find a key for gate one, in which he had to know all of the dialog of a film by heart. This is exactly how this text adventure game works. Try to get as many points as possible!

If you're a cheater, you can use this link to help you complete the game.

Good luck!
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 24 Aug 2016
Updated 24 Aug 2016