Warriors Text Adventure: by TealLion

You are a normal kit, dreaming to be a warrior. But after you're visited by Twig, you're life will change forever. You must discover the Lion, while trying to live a normal life. **************************************************************************UPDATE: Incase you read the this first, I will not be finishing this game. But instead making a new one from her brother’s point of view. If you have any questions comment them, and I’ll try to answer them as soon as a can. Anyways, have a good day. As soon as the game is done I’ll put the link here:

Anyways have a good day. Goodbye.
Review by Wolfie075
10 Jun 2019
It has a good start, but only lasts for about 15 seconds! Not trying to be rude, but this isn't really considered a game. It only has one link which is two dots..

Review by lizzy
05 Mar 2018
its too good for words

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 29 Nov 2017
Updated 22 Jul 2021