The Bane of Greymore by The-L-Man

This game is in the extreme early stages, in fact it lacks any real combat or anything, just testing the waters to determine what is wanted/needed. If anyone has any suggestions for the plot direction or for combat then im all ears. I want to apologies for the lack of content and i promise to regularly update the game. If you find any misspellings or grammar issues let me know.

Combat is the next planed addition to the game, just ironing out some bugs.

For this game you will need somewhere to record your stats, inventory, mana and health. Also a 6 sided dice.
You may consume 1 provision every time a new option is selected if you have any. Each provision you consume will restore 3 health.
Spend gold wisely as there are very few chances to obtain more.
Use mana carefully as there are very few chances to restore it.

Melee Damage = Strength + Dice roll + Weapon power - Enemy armor
Bow Damage = Dexterity + Dice roll + Weapon Power - Enemy Armour
If either the player or the opponent's total damage dealt is less than the armor of the combatant which they are attacking then remove two from the combatant who is being attacked's armor rating each time this happens.
The player's Armour rating is restored at the end of the fight
You can cast a spell or attack each turn.
Combatant with the highest dexterity attacks first. If dexterity is equal then the player attacks first.

Spell Damage = Intelligence+ Dice roll + Spell power - Enemy resistance
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 08 Apr 2017