Buying a microwave by thatwalruseveryonelikes

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
Just buy a microwave, My first game, Its short and im getting used to it so please don't dislike it for being short.
19 Mar 2015
Interesting Title. And VERY challenging to complete. Yet I have only played this game once, so what can I say.
Yet apparently I killed (or murdered) one million pugs. (Where they have come from is beyond my knowledge.)
However, the idea is very creative.

Review by Varr
06 Mar 2015
An epic journey into the dark abyss of discount stores. Beware the final confrontation, a challenging boss battle with Billy Mays.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 01 Mar 2015
Updated 02 Mar 2015