Treachery in Torvingen by ewan.taylor

Treachery in Torvingen is a text-based murder mystery game. The player takes the role of an apprentice alchemist named Alvin, living the fantasy city of Torvingen. When a noblewoman is poisoned, the city authorities assume that the alchemist Gerrod is to blame and arrest him. It is up to Gerrods apprentice Alvin to search the city for evidence that Gerrod is innocent. However there is only a limited amount of time before the trial must be held, whether the evidence is ready or not.

This game was created as part of a Student Project by Ewan Taylor.
Review by Golden PenGirl
18 Jul 2018
It was interesting until i tried it.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 14 Aug 2015
Updated 21 Aug 2015