Attack On Frightside by FarleySweet

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing descriptions

Every object in a game should have a meaningful description. When a game doesn't have object descriptions, it is a sign that the game has been rushed, and it will not be interesting to play.
After finding yourself in a strange world, you set forth to stop the evil Jimmy and restore balance to Frightside.
(Gift to TommyDickles and special thanks to my good friends Jill and Gio.)
Review by MittyWalters
30 Jun 2018
Embark on an ENTHRALLING adventure set in a colorful world, filled to the brim with an endearing ensemble cast of characters. BECOME part of the action, as you, the reader, begin your quest to put an end to the evil Jimmy's plans for world domination!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 30 May 2015