Star Trek V1 by DarkLizerd
A Star Trek game from the Basic book: Computer Games, 1980's, or so...
An old clasic from the time when people would buy books and spend hours typing in the code, and sometimes hours more looking for the bugs...
Here is one of the thousands of Star Trek games from that time.
It's you, in the Starship Enterprise, up aganst an evenly matched Klingon ship.
You have 5 commands to select from each turn:
FP - Fire Phasers
FT - Fire Photon Torpedoes
SR - Status Report
CM - Change Movement
SD - Self Destruct
Speed affects the distance between the ships
To fire your weapons, enter the angle you want to fire.
To figure out the angle, you will use this formula:
Enterprise Angle + Enterprise Turn = New Enterprise Angle
Klingon Angle + Klingon Turn = New Klingon Angle
To hit the Klingon ship, you need to fire at:
New Enterprise Angle + New Klingon Angle
This angle will change every turn.
Phasors hit +/- 10
Torpedoes hit +/- 25
An old clasic from the time when people would buy books and spend hours typing in the code, and sometimes hours more looking for the bugs...
Here is one of the thousands of Star Trek games from that time.
It's you, in the Starship Enterprise, up aganst an evenly matched Klingon ship.
You have 5 commands to select from each turn:
FP - Fire Phasers
FT - Fire Photon Torpedoes
SR - Status Report
CM - Change Movement
SD - Self Destruct
Speed affects the distance between the ships
To fire your weapons, enter the angle you want to fire.
To figure out the angle, you will use this formula:
Enterprise Angle + Enterprise Turn = New Enterprise Angle
Klingon Angle + Klingon Turn = New Klingon Angle
To hit the Klingon ship, you need to fire at:
New Enterprise Angle + New Klingon Angle
This angle will change every turn.
Phasors hit +/- 10
Torpedoes hit +/- 25
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