Ka'Hal: The King of Dragons Episode 3 by K3N711

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Limited audience

This game appears to be written for a small number of people, instead of for a broader audience.
Ten years after the events of Episode 2 things get cray-cray....
Welcome back to Ka'Hal, the land of endlessness...
Review by Slytrimz
23 Dec 2014
It's funny, random and you get free hugs!!

Review by MAJilly93
16 Aug 2014
Oi! I said before that the story was choppy, (see the last two games), but this takes it to a whole new level, but I don't think that's a bad thing anymore. Each episode is a different story, and I like it. Clearly not so much an actual RPG, more of a parody, but still HILARIOUS! Great job!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 14 Aug 2014