Ariana Rodriguez - HUM 152 Final Project by tennisstar0126
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This game appears to be written for a small number of people, instead of for a broader audience.
For my final project, I will be focusing on heterosexism and oppression against the gay community, specifically focusing on gay marriage. Most of my inspiration will be derived from reading 82 of RDSJ by Anna Quindlen. In this reading she focuses on the court case of Loving v. Virginia where a heterosexual, interracial couple sued the state of Virginia for arresting them because of their status as an interracial couple and won the case. I will also be using readings 84 and 130 from RDSJ. Although gay marriage is legal in all 50 states, there are still those that will try to oppress the gay community by denying them their rights to marriage licenses in any way they can. They cycle of socialization does not help in this situation because we are all brought up in a predominantly heterosexual world where if you are not heterosexual, you will be condemned in most cases and categorized as the “other.”
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